Category: Erectile Dysfunction

GAINSWave for Erectile Dysfunction: Is It Right for You?

If you have tried it all, the pills, treatments, counseling, injections, and even invasive procedures with no improvement in your ability to get and keep an erection, we have great news for you. If you have Peyronie’s Disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, the news is even better. Let us introduce you to GAINSWave for erectile dysfunction: is it right for you?

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How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

How is erectile dysfunction diagnosed? It is typically done through the process of elimination. There are so many factors involved in getting and maintaining an erection firm enough to have sexual relations, your doctor will test one possibility at a time to finally reach the real cause. Only then can proper treatment be provided.

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The Relationship Between Peyronie’s, Low T, and Erectile Dysfunction

There seems to be a link between Peyronie’s disease, low T, and erectile dysfunction, but it’s not entirely clear which comes first. The decreased rigidity, which naturally comes with ED, may be a risk factor for penile fractures, trauma, and Peyronie’s disease. Let’s learn more about the relationship between Peyronie’s, low T, and erectile dysfunction.

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Understanding the Types of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a touchy subject. It used to be taboo in polite conversation. Men did not want to acknowledge its existence and only discussed it with their doctor when they were forced to. Times have changed with TV advertisements for ED being a common occurrence, but many men still find it difficult to discuss ED with their doctors. Maybe understanding the types of erectile dysfunction will make it easier to broach the subject.

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Is Erectile Dysfunction Permanent? What You Should Know.

Is erectile dysfunction permanent? We are here to tell you E.D. can be treated in almost all cases. More importantly, the biggest barrier to restoring full sexual function is a man’s reluctance to seek treatment. If you are living with some erectile dysfunction issues, now is the time to get some answers.

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What To Expect During An Erectile Dysfunction Exam

When a man is having concerns about erectile dysfunction, it may take him a while to finally address the topic with his doctor. There may be a lot of anxiety and fear about a diagnosis and even about having the erectile dysfunction exam. We can ease some worry by giving you an overview and what to expect during an erectile dysfunction exam.

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